
Where do you get your energy?  Consider that question.  Consider the alternatives.  Are you being robbed of energy by concerns and consternations at work and home?  How do you replenish energy depleted by stress?  High performance requires high energy.energy

Multiple times today, I’ve been asked by managers where I get my energy and how I keep my energy and have I always had energy.  While speaking at the Association of College and University Printers, the question kept being asked.  These are some great people.  So, I committed to answer.

Energy comes from fulfillment of purpose.  Give yourself to your heart passion.  If your schedule at work and home is blocking pursuit of passion and purpose, energy will drain and not come back.  Take 30 minutes a day to work on your passion.  Give yourself the energy you need.   If you can find a way to live your passion, that is going to give you the highest amount of energy.

Energy comes from right balance of work and play.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a lagging lady.  Get out and play.  Make time to do what you love to do.  Read, relax, soak in the sun, fish, golf, chess, or whatever is enjoyable. Do it.  Schedule it.

Energy comes from helping others achieve their goals.  All of us like to grow.  Most managers love to see their staff grow.  It is what we do.  It is an internal driver for a good executive and manager.  Block off a few minutes this week to help a staff member conquer a project or gain some training.

Energy comes from right people environment.  Do you have acidic people surrounding you?  Cut off the pain.  Some acidic workers cannot be cut off.  They might be your boss.  Limit your time with energy draining whiners and complainers and over controlling types.  Love yourself.

Energy comes from rest.  Get it.  Get all you need.  It will enhance productivity in all the other hours.

Energy comes from exertion.  Yes, you need to get good exercise.  Work out when needed and let energy flow in the hard moments.

Energy comes from pace.  Your job and life have a biorhythm and a pace.  Find it.  Manage it.  Respect it. When it overflows, step back and get it back on track.

Energy comes from storage.  Store it up. Don’t spend yourself out every day.  Save some for tomorrow.

Energy comes from release.  Release your thoughts.  Forgive and forget the problematic situations and people of the day and start tomorrow new.

Energy comes from spiritual connection.  Take care of your heart along with your mind and body and relationships.

Every executive and manager needs to manage their energy.  Your staff and your customers and your family and friends depend on you to have great stores of energy at right moments.

Where do I get my energy?  I love my life, my friends, my family, the business of consulting, the businesses I serve, operations and communication business, and many activities in which I chose to participate.  That is the answer, chose to participate. Choose energy over worry.  Go ahead, own the future, it belongs to you.

Published by Phil Larson

Community leader, business leader, writer, dad, friend, amigo, hermano. Passionate about every activity in which I choose to participate.

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