Not about insurance, but all about you…..

As consultants to seniors at, we are hearing a disturbing problem. Pastors and Christian ministry leaders tell us they have lost connection with the largest population in the U.S. 10,000 people a day turn 65 in the US. The churches focused on millennials and now the next gen and are missing the fact that these seniors are faithful, connected, sociable, and forgotten. They will live into their 80s and 90s and the church is missing them.

This township in New Jersey has been sensitive to address these issues for 30 years. What insight they have. Does your church have a senior advisory group? Not a senior ministry, but someone or someones who have the ear of the leadership to help guide polity and ensure the Biblical design of extended and full family stays intact?

As part of our benefits for seniors in 2020, GrandParenting Seminars will include special time with church leaders to share insights and tips.

Contact me and tell me how this trend is affecting your life.. . 405.494.0637.

Phil ..

Sweet…. a good quote for a friend

Crazy good stuff… I just finished a full medicare rate quote for a friend that is retiring at age 66. With a supplement policy that covers deductibles and co-pays, his base medicare payment, prescription drug that covers his most common prescriptions at $0 and $1 copays, dental and vision – he is looking at $328 a month with controlled costs. That is better that most company group plans!

Without this package on traditional medicare it would cost him $135 a month plus deductibles. His drugs would be full price. The difference? If he went to the hospital one time and stayed two days under medicare, $1364 deductible plus 20% of all other costs of doctors, meds etc (let’s say those amounted to another $2000 for a $400 charge), plus regular doctor visits during the year and 20% on tests and xrays of another $2000 or $400, and drug costs of around $50 a month or $600 a year, we are looking at $1364 + $400 + $400 +$600 + 1620 = $4384 unpredictable versus $3936 predictable … That doesn’t include $0 coverage for vision and dental and he gets some good options to help there also.

Now, this is just one approach. There are other alternatives based on your budget, expected needs. Last year this client went to the hospital three times due to some tough conditions. Under medicare each time would be the same $1364 plus 20% payouts. When you calculate that, you are getting closer to $10000 versus $3936. Yikes….

And his plan works nationwide, because he wants to travel. No need to worry about HMO or PPO networks that only work in his home metro. But I do have access to some sweet PPO options that have good travel when that is what you want. The costs are not as predictable because of deductibles and copays, but it is all about what do you need for your lifestyle.

The 411 on this? Know your options and choose according to your lifestyle and expectations.

My dream – help you make decisions. I talk to as many people for whom I say, “Keep what you have, you are doing well.” as I do “Let’s find what might be better options for you.” There is no cost to you ever to talk and get comparisons. The insurance carriers pay me to help you.

I really like helping alongside

If all I do is answer your questions, that is good by me. I have helped and am happy to do it.
Here is a link that shows some basic medicare costs:

405.494.0637 direct

an unexpected service

What should you expect from a a medicare insurance pro?
They are unlike other insurance consultants and agents.

What should you expect from a a medicare insurance professional? They are unlike other insurance consultants and agents.

A medicare insurance professional requires right training and certification from the insurance company or companies they represent, the states they represent and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). You should expect that

A medicare insurance professional is your consultant and educator. Weaving through the decisions in medicare is an important lifetime decision. You deserve right information and access to answers.

A medicare insurance professional is here for you. While they are agents for the insurance companies with whom you may contract, they must also be here for you to assist you in making decisions.

This article does a good job of outlining some items of which you should be aware. Get right service. We are here for you at SOLUM to give you that “unexepected service” that you should expect. Covering Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. Benefiting the membership of National Association for Grandparenting.

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