That question looms. What about my healthcare? Circumstances at change points cause us to ask, “Will I be okay? Should I trust the advice my employer gave me? What if they are just in it for them? How do I transition my meds and doctors?

Today is January 2nd. The end of every year is a reflection period. I assess myself against my life goals, the visions that stir inside, my financial position, achievements, mental, emotional, and physical health, and spiritual position. Dr. Daniel Amen recommends each of us have a one pager, a One Page Miracle, to tell our brains and hearts which items need attention and focus.

Tana Amen gives a good example of a One Page Miracle on her web page. You should take a minute to look it over. Get some focus. Sometimes when you feel a struggle, the simple is best as a start.

Now that you are 64, you are approaching the need to move onto Medicare and maybe you are looking to retire and draw social security. Those are big decisions. #wecanhelpwiththat

Faith, Focus, Friends, Food, and Fitness are all areas we assess as we get ready for these next steps. Understanding your goals for these will help us help you in making the right Medicare mix decisions. A wrong step in your first year going on to Medicare can be corrected in the first year. It can be disastrous later, when you are 68 or 70 or 80. It is all about your plan, your goals, the life you want. You can’t predict it all, but you can come closer with a plan and right information. #wecanhelpwiththat

We never charge for services at SOLUM Insurance. But we are professional in our approach to help you make decisions that fit your needs and lifestyle. So let me introduce you to a simple and effective what to make your plan and enjoy your senior years, whether you continue working or take the big plunge.

1. Establish your position

What is your position on healthcare? We will work with you to help discover that. Our first step is to discuss that One Page Miracle and make sure we support you in being you. The second step is to go a little deeper, but not much and do a “Fact Finder” so we give you knowledgeable guidance. We are not financial planners, but we work alongside your financial plan to help you make a good fit of healthcare into the plan. #wecanhelpwiththat. And yes, all of this is free. You have no obligation to purchase anything from us. We like to make friends.

When you work with us you will receive caring and professional excellence. That is who we are and how we serve. You deserve that. You have spent a life getting to this point and we want to make it a fun and fulfilling next chapter.

2. Write it down.

Write down where you want to go. Here is the fun part. We will show you a couple of options that fit your decisions. Medicare and other insurance can be complicated. Do you have a Final Expense policy and plan to ensure there are no extra burdens for those you love? How much control do you want of your healthcare decisions? Do you want an HMO doctor, who is your dedicated advisor or are you okay with a network of doctors for advising? Do you want total freedom to make all decisions? What is your budget going to be? The average senior after 65 can spend around $4000+ a year on healthcare. Is that okay with you? Would you like better control of those expenses and predictability or are you more concerned with keeping monthly costs contained and addressing bigger needs as they arise? Relax. We will help you walk through those thoughts in a methodical way that assists you make right decisions at the right time for your lifestyle and healthcare directions.

As a deliverable, we will summarize what we have heard in talking with you into a document that you can use to make decisions.

3. Take A Step

If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.W. Edwards Deming

Now to take a step, you need a plan. It does not have to have full vetted risk assessment, cost scenarios, and extensive timeline. But most of us just need a few steps we know we need to take to get moving in the right direction. #wecanhelpwiththat

  • Establish your position
  • Write it down
  • Take a step (fill out the form below is a good first step)

#wecanhelpwiththat, #medicare #healthcare #socialsecurity #turning65 #wheniam64

Caring, professional excellence assisting in healthcare decisions

Phil, ttd

Get with us and we will help you walk through your preparations.

My Biggest Concerns Are:(required)

SOLUM is a faith based business done with care and professional excellence. We aren’t liberal or conservative, we are concerned and supportive. What does that mean? That means we trust first in our relationship with the Father of Creation to direct us and our interactions with our clients, you. And we believe He wants us to be caring, excellent, and professional. You don’t need to be a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, or anything to take advantage of our good will. We just want you to know we believe that everything we do is done as unto God first and is done with professional and caring excellence. If we don’t think He will be happy with us, we don’t do it. #wecanhelpwiththat

Published by Phil Larson

Community leader, business leader, writer, dad, friend, amigo, hermano. Passionate about every activity in which I choose to participate.

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